Certificate · Program Code: 146 · Credit Hours: 32 · Contact hours: 35
Associate Dean: Peter Olson
The Viticulture and Enology certificate program will prepare students for entry level positions in the grape growing and wine making industry. Classroom instruction, online curriculum and field applications of viticulture and enology principles and practices are included in the program of study.
The program includes introductory courses in viticulture and enology in addition to several focused courses. Also included are general and applied business education courses. Graduates should qualify for positions in vineyards, wineries, and in related areas of sales and services.
Student completing this certificate will be well prepared to continue to NCMC’s Associate of Applied Science degree in Viticulture and Enology.
VESTA courses, as shown below in Additional Requirements, refer to online courses offered by accredited colleges through a partnership between the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA) and Michigan State University. More information is available at www.vestausa.org/main/. Students are reminded that no course with a grade less than a “C” (2.0) will transfer to NCMC.