Paying for College
Tuition and Fees
The Board of Trustees establishes tuition and fees. Tuition, fees, refunds and deposits are subject to change, at any time, at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees typically establishes tuition rates for the upcoming academic year each spring. For current rates, go to, see the printed course schedule or contact Student Services or the Business Office.
Residency for Tuition Purposes
North Central recognizes three residency groupings for purposes of levying tuition rates: in-district (Emmet County residents), in-state (Michigan residents who live outside of Emmet County) and out-of-state (residents of other states). For residency determination, a student must have resided within the State of Michigan or in Emmet County for at least six months immediately prior to the first day of classes of the semester in which he/she plans to enroll. As part of the enrollment process, all students must certify their residency status. The College verifies a student’s residency each fall semester. The College reserves the right to require residency documentation at any time. Students who change their legal residence must complete an Application for Residency Change form available in Student Services. The form must be accompanied by documentation proving legal residency. Proof can be a Michigan driver’s license, rental lease or agreement, property tax receipt, voter registration card, or an identification card from a Secretary of State office. The College reserves the right to make the final decision on residency eligibility. Students who are in the United States under various non-immigrant visa categories are not eligible for in-district or in-state residency status for tuition purposes. A Residency Review Committee consisting of the Dean of Student Services and Dean of Finance and Facilities will hear appeals of residency classification as established by the College. Any adjustment made in tuition because of a change in residency status will not be retroactive.
Payment of Tuition and Fees
Payment of tuition and fees is due at the time of registration unless the student has financial aid that has been certified by the Financial Aid office of North Central Michigan College. Full payment can be made on-line using a credit card or in person in the Business Office using a credit card, check or cash.
North Central offers a deferred payment plan that provides a low-cost option for budgeting tuition costs and other education expenses. To learn more about and enroll in the plan on-line, go to During early registration periods prior to each semester, students can register with payment deferred until a specific published date. The College reserves the right to drop a student from all classes by the published due date unless full payment is made, the student has certified financial aid or the student has signed up for the deferred payment plan.
Registration is completed on-line using North Central’s web registration module. A student is responsible for all activity on his/her student record. Proof of transactions must be maintained by the student and provided to the College for appeals. A copy of the confirmation screen verifying added/dropped course(s) or a dated printout of the student’s schedule can serve as proof. For complete registration information, including course schedules, log on to
College Refund Policy
Under specific conditions, North Central Michigan College grants refunds for tuition and course fees to students who officially withdraw from the College or reduce contact hours (per refund schedule). If the student receives assistance from College funds or other sources managed by the College, the refund is returned to the appropriate scholarship or grant fund. Refunds for a student with a Direct Student Loan who withdraws from the College will be sent to the student’s lending institution. If North Central cancels a course, 100 percent of the tuition and fees will be refunded.
Refund Schedule
Refunds will be made according to the following schedule:
Fall and Winter Semesters: Starting with the first day of the semester, 90 percent of tuition and fees will be refunded until the second Friday of the semester. After that time, there will be no refund.
Appeals for refunds after the add/drop deadline must be made in writing to the Registrar at North Central, 1515 Howard Street, Petoskey, MI 49770. A Refund Appeals Form, available in the Student Services office must be completed and submitted for an appeal to be reviewed. Requests for refunds are accepted for the current semester only and must be submitted by the last day to withdraw for the current semester.
Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver
Emmet County senior citizens, defined as residents age 60 or older, will be granted tuition-free enrollment subject to the following conditions:
- The waiver will be effective the first semester following the semester in which the resident reaches age 60.
- Minimum class size must be attained without considering Emmet County senior citizen enrollment.
- Senior citizens must meet regular course entry requirements.
- Maximum class size shall not be exceeded by the enrollment of senior citizens.
- Senior citizens must pay all regular fees, including registration, course, laboratory, technology, building and energy conservation, student success and activity.
Financial Aid
A college education is one of the most important investments a person can make for his or her professional success. North Central Michigan College is committed to providing qualified students with financial aid programs to assist them in achieving their educational goals.
Eligibility for Financial Aid
Eligibility requirements vary from program to program. Financial aid awards are determined and disbursed in compliance with established federal, state and institutional requirements and guidelines. Students must also adhere to all College policies and procedures. Students must apply for aid each academic year they wish to receive consideration. All criteria, funding and program availability are subject to change without notice. Students may also access the Department of Education’s web site,, and the College’s website,, for information on basic eligibility requirements and federal aid programs.
Selection of Recipients
The awarding of financial aid to students is based on eligibility, deadlines and maintenance of satisfactory academic progress. North Central Michigan College awards financial aid in the following order:
- Grants
- Scholarships
- Work-study
- Loans
The Financial Aid office determines the type and amount of each award. The type and amount of award are based on a variety of factors including financial need, academic progress, outside resources, class attendance, enrollment status, dependency status, program limitations and the availability of funds. When funds are limited, awards may be granted to applicants who meet all requirements and have a complete financial aid file by May 1.
Financial Need
Financial aid programs are designed to supplement student and family resources. The student and family have the primary responsibility for financing a college education. There are two basic categories of financial aid: need-based and non-need based. Need-based aid uses a federal needs analysis formula to determine a family’s financial strength or family contribution and eligibility for a program. The formula uses the information from the student and the parent, if required, from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The formula calculates the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) which is used to calculate the amount of each student’s aid package.
Each student application is reviewed and aid is awarded based on the student’s eligibility, funding availability and program regulations. Need-based aid programs include federal and state grants, loans and work-study programs and some scholarship programs. Most aid awarded is need-based. Some students are not eligible for need-based assistance. Non-need based aid programs do not use a family contribution as an eligibility criterion. These programs use other criteria such as grade point average or a specific program of study. Non-need based programs are usually private scholarships.
Cost of Attendance for Financial Aid
The College sets cost of attendance allowances using rules established by the federal government. The cost figures below reflect reasonable book, travel, room, board and personal allowances, as well as average tuition and fee charges for a student enrolled in courses totaling 30 credit hours over two semesters.
Full-time Student Cost of Attendance
Emmet County resident |
Resident of other Michigan counties |
Tuition and Fees |
$2,772 |
$4,288 |
Books and Supplies |
$1,300 |
$1,300 |
Transportation |
$1,400 |
$1,400 |
Personal |
$650 |
$650 |
Room and Board |
$6,200 |
$6,200 |
Total |
$12,322 |
$13,838 |
*Figures are based on 2012-13 academic year costs and subject to adjustments due to changes in law and Board of Trustees policy. These figures are used solely for determining financial aid and are not charges billed to students. Residence Hall students are charged a single ($2,350) or double ($1,725) room rate per semester.
Academic Qualifications
To receive federal and state aid, a student must be qualified to study at the post-secondary level. A student qualifies academically if he/she has the following:
- A high school diploma; or
- A recognized equivalent of a high school diploma, typically a general education development (GED) certificate; or
- Completed home schooling.
The GED is offered through Michigan Works! Offices and the University Center at Gaylord. A student enrolled in a secondary school is not eligible for aid even if simultaneously enrolled in an eligible postsecondary program.
Enrollment Status and Frequency of Award Payments
Each semester, eligibility and award amounts are finalized by reviewing enrollment status and other program requirements. Full-time enrollment is 12 credit hours and above; three-quarter time enrollment is 9 to 11 credit hours; half-time enrollment is 6 to 8 credit hours; and less than half-time enrollment is 5 or fewer credit hours. Program eligibility requirements and payments can vary depending on enrollment status. Financial aid payments are applied each semester of enrollment during the academic year. The final aid award is based on enrollment after the schedule adjustment (refund) period is over. Financial aid refunds for aid that exceeded tuition, fees, books and campus housing and meal plan, if applicable, are issued periodically during the semester. Students can select the way they would like to receive their refund - electronically or in paper check.
Attendance at Multiple Institutions
Students may not receive financial aid from two institutions concurrently. Students are responsible for any over-awards and will not be eligible for further aid until any funds are repaid.
Guest Students
Students who are enrolled at North Central Michigan College as guest students are not eligible for federal financial aid or North Central Michigan College Foundation scholarships. A guest student is defined as someone with a home institution other than North Central where the student is pursuing his/her education credentials.
Study Abroad
Students may be eligible for federal assistance for attending a study-abroad program that is approved for credit by North Central Michigan College. Contact the Financial Aid Office.
Student Rights and Responsibilities Related to Financial Aid
Students have the right to obtain information pertaining to financial aid programs available through the College and to discuss information with a financial aid staff member regarding the student’s application, record, award or extenuating circumstances regarding policies that may affect the student’s eligibility. Students have the right to appeal in writing any decisions made regarding the award application or package. All student information is confidential and is subject to FERPA guidelines.
Financial aid applicants and recipients are expected to review financial aid requirements and follow the policies and procedures established by the College, the Financial Aid Office and the financial aid programs. Financial aid guidelines, rules, requirements and consumer disclosures are found on the federal website at, the College website, in the College catalog and the Student & Community Portal. Students must respond immediately to all requests for information. It is the student’s responsibility to read and become familiar with policies and procedures and respond to all correspondence concerning financial aid. Failure to do so does not excuse a student from the requirements or policies necessary in administering aid programs. All award and eligibility requirements are subject to change without notice.
Withdrawals and Refunds
The refund schedule dates and percentages are printed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. A student’s financial aid award is based on enrollment after the schedule adjustment period is over. Withdrawing from courses can affect a student’s academic progress and eligibility for financial aid. Refund and withdrawal procedures are described in the Registration and Academic Policies section in this policy guide.
Complete Withdrawals and Return of Title IV Funds
Federal financial aid recipients who withdraw or walk away from all of their classes before completing 60 percent of a semester are subject to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy.
This federal policy determines the amount of federal aid a student earned based on the amount of days the student attended during the semester. If the calculation determines a repayment is due, the student’s federal aid must be reduced and the student is required to repay both the federal Title IV financial aid programs and the College for the amounts returned to the federal programs. Title IV programs include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants and Federal Direct Stafford Loans. The requirements for the Federal Student Aid programs when a student withdraws are separate from the College’s refund policy. Therefore, the student may also owe funds to the College to cover unpaid institutional charges. Students will be ineligible for future financial aid at any college or university if unearned funds are not repaid to the U.S. Department of Education. Contact the Financial Aid office for current Federal Return of Title IV Funds schedules and examples before completely withdrawing from classes.
Application Process
Students must apply for financial aid each academic year to be considered for aid. Although applications are processed year-round, students are advised to apply for financial aid as early as possible to receive notification of eligibility before tuition payments are due. File in the early spring for the next academic year. The FAFSA is available after January 1 for the next academic year. The academic year consists of fall, winter and summer semesters.
Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
In addition to meeting individual financial aid program requirements, students must make satisfactory academic progress toward completing a degree or certificate program to receive aid. The North Central Michigan College Academic Progress Policy applies to all students who receive financial aid from any financial aid program administered by the College, unless exempt by the program. Federal regulations require that colleges review all enrollment periods whether or not aid was received.
Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored at the completion of each semester of enrollment.
Eligibility Requirements
A student must meet all three of the following requirements:
Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement:
All financial aid students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA to be eligible for financial aid for the following semester; AND
Minimum Completion Factor Requirement:
All financial aid students must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of all credit hours attempted, whether or not financial aid was received for those attempted credits. Successful credit hours completed include all transfer credits accepted and all grades recorded on the transcript of 4.0 through 1.0. When calculating the completion factor the following designations are considered attempted but not successfully completed: Incompletes (I), 0.0 grade (E), withdrawals (W), and repeated courses (R). Note: Students cannot receive financial aid for audited (AU) classes and these credits are not included in attempted hours. AND
Maximum Time to Complete Degree (150% Rule):
All financial aid students cannot attempt more than 90 credit hours or 150% of the official North Central Michigan College academic program requirements. Aid eligibility concludes after this time frame, pending mitigating circumstances. Attempted credit hours include: credits transferred from another college; incompletes; 0.0 grade (E); withdrawals; and repeated courses.
Financial aid recipients who are not meeting the academic progress policy eligibility requirement will be notified of their status.
Financial Aid Warning Status
Financial aid recipients who do not meet the eligibility requirements will be placed on a Warning Status semester of financial aid to move toward acceptable GPA and/or completion rates. The student will continue to receive financial aid during this semester. However, the College reserves the right to deny loans to students who are on Warning Status or are not making acceptable progress toward an educational goal. Students who fail to make satisfactory academic progress after the Warning period will become ineligible and have their financial aid withdrawn until they meet the standard.
Get Ready for Financial Aid
- Apply for Admission:
Applying to North Central is FREE! Go to and click on “Apply Now!” to get started.
- Apply for a Federal PIN:
PIN is used to access and correct you and your parent’s information online. Parents need a PIN if their information is required for financial aid application. Go to to request PIN.
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Or complete the Renewal Application. Go to Use College Code for North Central Michigan College: 002299.
- Put this on your FAFSA so we can access your FAFSA results electronically. If you are transferring mid-year or considering multiple
colleges, put all codes down but put the most likely to attend first.
- Review Your FAFSA Information:
About one week after you submit the FAFSA, a Student Aid Report (SAR) is sent to you via email by the federal processor. Review the information for accuracy and submit any changes requested online. If no email was provided, correspondence will be by postal mail and take longer.
Important Tips:
- Inform the Financial Aid Office of changes in family or financial circumstances.
- Keep your demographic information current with Student Services and the Federal Processor.
- Respond IMMEDIATELY to Requests for Information:
You may be selected by the federal processor or the College for Verification and be required to submit to the Financial Aid Office income documentation and a Verification Worksheet. Application processing STOPS until all documentation is received and the student file is complete.
- File Complete:
After your file is complete, a review and determination of eligibility will be determined. Files are reviewed in the order they are received. Review time is a minimum of two weeks. All students are notified of their eligibility. Read the Financial Aid Award Guide and know the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy found on the web site under Financial Aid.
North Central Scholarships: Go to under Financial Aid, Scholarships. Deadline date is May 15 each year. Awards are based on academic excellence and specific scholarship requirements. Check out any clubs, organizations, and businesses with which you or your parents may be affiliated. Check out a search through legitimate sources only such as Scholarship searches should be free. Call the Financial Aid Office if you question the legitimacy of a provider.
Helpful Links: - U.S. Department of Education, FAFSA, Student Guide - Michigan Financial Aid information
The Financial Aid Office is located in Student Services at the main campus in Petoskey. Contact us:
phone: 231-348-6605
fax: 231-348-6685
Reinstatement After Ineligibility
With the exception of the 150% Rule, a student may be reinstated after meeting one of the following conditions. Classes taken at institutions other than North Central are not considered for reinstatement purposes.
- The student has taken, without funding from the financial aid office, at least six credit hours and has passed those six credit hours with a grade of “C” or better. Courses taken for Pass/Fail may not be included. The student will be given aid on a Warning Status for the next semester the student attends North Central.
- The student has taken, without funding from the financial aid office, enough credit hours to meet the GPA and completion rate requirements. The student will be reinstated without Warning Status.
Appeal Process and Financial Aid Probation Status
Financial Aid Probation Status is assigned to a student who fails to make satisfactory academic progress, is terminated, has appealed, and then has had eligibility for aid reinstated for one semester. Specific conditions (e.g. reduced course load) may apply to the student’s probation period.
A termination appeal can only be considered if it is an extraordinary event that prevented the student from achieving satisfactory academic progress. A student whose financial aid has been terminated may appeal in writing to the Director of Financial Aid. The written appeal must:
- Explain any mitigating or extenuating circumstances.
- Tell why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress.
- Describe what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation.
- Contain an academic plan, developed with an advisor.
- Include appropriate documentation. Acceptable documentation includes letters from a physician, attorney, social service agency, parole officer, or an obituary notice, divorce decree and/or academic records.
Appeals can result in a) denial of reinstatement or b) Probation Status with reinstatement of the student’s financial aid for one semester. The result of an appeal will be communicated to the student and recorded in the student’s financial aid file. A student may file a satisfactory academic progress appeal only one time.
Note: As of Fall 2012 Semester, this Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy supersedes any previous policies.
Financial Aid Programs
Grants offered at North Central are funds that do not have to be repaid. Grants are primarily based on demonstrated need and are developed for students who do not possess a bachelor’s degree. Students apply using the FAFSA.
Federal Pell Grants:
A federal award based on exceptional need. Awards range from $555 to $5,550 (based on 2012-13 award year). Awards are based on enrollment status from full- to less than half-time depending on individual eligibility.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants:
A federal award based on exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Pell grant recipients. The award amount is determined by the College based on funds available.
Michigan Tuition Incentive Program:
A State award that provides for tuition and fees at the resident college rate to students who are under age 20, are high school graduates, or have earned a GED. The Michigan Department of Treasury, through Family Independence Agency Medicaid records, certifies eligibility for each recipient. Students must enroll in at least six credit hours per semester.
Scholarships are funds that do not have to be repaid. They are based primarily on academic achievement and may or may not be based on need. Outside/private scholarships have deadlines established each academic year.
Michigan Competitive Scholarship:
A State program for students who achieve required scores on the ACT exam and have financial need. The Michigan Department of Treasury determines eligibility and the award amount.
North Central Michigan College Presidential Scholarship:
A graduate from each public and private high school and one home-schooled student within North Central’s service area is eligible to receive the Presidential Scholarship. North Central’s service area encompasses Emmet, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Otsego, Presque Isle, Antrim and Mackinac counties. To be considered, a student shall be either a valedictorian, salutatorian, or have a 3.5 overall high school grade point average; meet pre-established placement scores; and apply for admission to North Central by early spring. The award is for full-time tuition and fees for two academic years (Fall and Winter semesters). The award is renewed each semester the student maintains eligibility. The application process for home-schooled students can be found here: Scholarship home-schooled students2010.pdf
North Central Michigan College Foundation Scholarships:
Through generous donations from the community, the College makes available a variety of scholarships. Many have a need component. Students should file a FAFSA along with the North Central Michigan College Scholarship application found on-line at
Student Employment
Students file the FAFSA to be considered for Federal work study. Work study is need-based aid. Students receive a paycheck for the hours they work. The maximum amount a student may earn is specified. Students can apply for job openings through the Financial Aid office.
Federal Work Study:
Provides up to 20 hours per week of primarily on-campus employment to students with financial need. Limited community service positions are available off-campus.
Student Loans
Student Loans are borrowed money and require repayment with interest. Repayment begins six months after a student ceases to be enrolled half-time. Students are required to file for financial aid using the FAFSA before a loan request can be considered. Students must be enrolled at least half-time and be making academic progress to receive loan consideration. Students should borrow only what they realistically can repay. The approved loan amount is determined by the student’s financial need, other financial aid and resources, program limits and the loan amount requested. The school determines the eligibility for a federal student loan. The College can refuse to certify a loan application or can certify a loan for an amount less than the student would otherwise be eligible for if the College documents the reason for its action and explains the reason in writing. The College’s decision is final and cannot be appealed to the federal government. Students are encouraged to access web information at before taking out a loan. Academic history will be considered, regardless of overall GPA. Excessive withdrawals and/or incomplete grades could result in denial of funding. Previous defaults are not considered for loan funding. Students should contact the Financial Aid office for additional information and the steps to request a loan.
Federal Direct Stafford Loans:
For those students with financial need, the government pays the interest during school periods with a Federal Direct Stafford Loan. If eligible, a student may receive loan funds beyond the subsidized loan limit or, if he/she does not have a financial need, through an unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loan. Loan maximums are set by the government but may be limited because of student eligibility. All students receiving subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans participate in mandatory entrance and exit counseling on-line. The counseling takes place prior to the first disbursement of a loan. On-line loan counseling is accessed through the College website. Loan counseling presents information regarding the responsibilities of indebtedness, repayment options and the consequences of failing to repay a loan.
Federal Direct PLUS Loans:
North Central requires a student to file a FAFSA to be considered for this non-need based loan. The Federal Direct PLUS Loan is for parents who want to borrow money to help pay for their dependent child’s education. This loan is based on the parents’ credit rating.
Federal Student Loan Deferment:
Deferment is a period of time during repayment of a Federal Direct Stafford Loan in which the borrower, upon meeting certain conditions, is not required to make payments. The most typical deferment conditions are continuing study at an approved school with at least half-time enrollment, unemployment, and economic hardship. Students must apply for deferment by contacting their lender or printing a deferment form from
Other Resources:
Veterans and veterans’ dependents are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid office for information about VA educational benefits. The VA Certifying Official is part of the Financial Aid staff and assists students in applying for VA educational benefits. The student must request certification each semester with the Financial Aid Office-VA Certifying Official. Students are required to make satisfactory academic progress to continue receiving benefits. All changes of address, program of study and withdrawals from courses must be reported immediately to the VA Certifying Official. For more information visit
Women’s Resource Center Funds
The Women’s Resource Center has limited funds available to students who are single parents, displaced homemakers and those in nontraditional academic programs for their gender. FAFSA filing is required.
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians
Contact the Education department at 231-242-1492 for resources available to LTBB members.
Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver
Michigan residents who are North American Indian and are certified one-quarter blood quantum by their tribal association may be eligible for tuition assistance funding. A Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver Application must be completed. Students should contact their tribal enrollment office.
Michigan Works!
Funds are available for students in vocational programs who are economically disadvantaged, long-term unemployed or dislocated workers. Eligible students may receive funding for tuition, fees, books, supplies and mileage. For more information, students should contact their regional Michigan Works! office.
Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation
Scholarship funds for graduating high school seniors or graduates from Emmet County. Contact the Foundation at 231-348-5820 for current scholarships and deadline dates.
T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships
State funds are available for tuition, fees, books, and stipends for students currently working in participating early childhood education programs. For more information visit
Human Services Coordinating Body of Emmet and Charlevoix Counties
The Human Services Coordinating Body of Emmet and Charlevoix Counties is the state-endorsed Community Collaborative body for this two-county area. The mission of the HSCB is to facilitate inter-agency cooperation, coordination and collaboration for the improvement of human services.