Mar 12, 2025  
Catalog 2025-2026 
Catalog 2025-2026

Services and Resources

Academic Advising

North Central academic advisors provide assistance so that students achieve success in their educational programs. They explain college policies and services, degree requirements and transferability, and help students with schedule planning and graduation checks. Students who place into developmental coursework are required to speak with an advisor prior to enrollment in classes and prior to making changes to their class schedules. Advisors are available through Student Services in Petoskey, and hold office hours in Gaylord and Cheboygan, most often by appointment.

Counseling Services

North Central licensed professional counselors help students adjust to college life, assist with curriculum choices, provide career exploration services and provide support to those experiencing social and emotional problems that interfere with academic success. Counselors maintain a cooperative liaison with service agencies in the community and help students find needed services not available at the College. Counseling services are free, confidential and available in fall and winter semesters through Student Services.

Career Assessment

Assessments are available through the Student Services Office to help students select appropriate college majors and career areas: the Strong Interest Inventory and its iStartStrong version, and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator© (MBTI©). All are completed online, and each generally takes 30 minutes. The Strong and Myers-Briggs assessments can include a mandatory interpretation session with a counselor during regular business hours. The iStart Strong version of the Strong Interest Inventory is a web-based, self-explanatory test that does not require counselor interpretation.  There is no charge for NCMC students and alumni; however, there is a fee for all others.

Health and Accident Insurance for Students

Group health and accident insurance programs are recommended for all students. The coverage should be designed to protect the student from medical expenses resulting from accidents and illness, including those which occur off campus and during semester breaks or authorized absences, and 24-hour protection for 12 months should be available. Students are encouraged to contact their family insurance carrier.

Testing and Tutoring

The Tutoring & Testing center provides access to the Tutoring Services such as the Math Lab, Writing Lab, Peer Tutoring, and Study Skills Resources. Testing Services include CLEP, ACCPLACER, DSST, PEARSONVUE, and Test Proctoring for North Central Michigan College as well as other institutions. The office for Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan are also located in this area. 
For more information please call (231-348-6682).

Accessibility Services

At North Central Michigan College, we value access and inclusion, and we work to ensure full participation in all programs, services, and activities. North Central provides student accommodations following the guidance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Any North Central students with a disability may request accommodation through Accessibility Services, located in Room 33 of the Borra Learning Center. 

Additional services are also available to any student who has declared an intent or has formally enrolled in an occupational certificate or degree program at North Central and is qualified with one or more of the following: 

-a hidden or obvious disability
-is economically disadvantaged, including foster children has limited English proficiency
-is preparing for a non-traditional career
-is a single parent (including single pregnant women)
-is a displaced homemaker
-has other barriers to educational achievement 

Call (231) 348-6619 for more information. 

CLEP® Testing

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP®) is available through the Testing Center by appointment. These subject-specific tests allow a student to demonstrate mastery of a subject and thus earn college credit. North Central will accept CLEP® credit with scores of 50 or above. Both CLEP® and North Central charge fees for this testing. CLEP® testing cannot be used to replace a grade in a course previously taken.

CLEP® Exam Procedures

  • CLEP® exams are purchased during the registration process at
  • CLEP® exams cost $93 each. North Central charges a $20 proctoring fee, bringing the total cost to $109 for each exam.
  • An appointment is required to take the CLEP® at North Central.  CLEP® exams are 90 minutes to two-hours long depending on the subject.  An additional 15 minutes is needed for the North Central admission procedure.  Please plan accordingly.
  • Photo identification with a signature is required at time of testing.
  • A list of North Central-accepted exams is available at

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (231) 348-6682.

GED® Testing

The General Education Development (GED®) is available in the Testing Center by appointment.  The four subject area test, when passed, certifies that the test taker has High school-level academic skills.  To learn more about GED® testing go to or to North Central’s website at

DSST Testing

DSST is a Credit by Exam Program designed to grant college credits for prior learning.  Exams are offered in 30+ subjects.  Earn credit for knowledge you have acquired through independent study, prior course work, on-the-job training, military service, professional development, cultural pursuits and internships. Go to to learn for about DSST testing or go to North Central’s website at

Credit for Prior Learning

North Central Michigan College recognizes that current licensure or certification represents learning for which credit may be granted. Therefore, the College assesses state licenses/certification as part of its credentialing function. Any student who has applied to North Central Michigan College may apply for license or certification credit evaluation. Upon verification a student is required to pay $25, per contact hour, for credit to be transcribed.  The following is a list of current licenses and/or certifications which may be considered for credit.

State of Michigan Basic EMT License or National Registry

EMT Certification

EMT Basic

(EMS 110-12 contact hours)

State of Michigan Certified Nurse Aide

Certified Nurse Aide Training

(AH 154-7 contact hours)

Copy of Valid CDA Certificate

ECE Practicum / Seminar

(ECE 282-7 credit hours)

AAMA Certified Medical Assistant License

Medical Office Procedures I, II

(AH 107 /108-8 contact hours) 

National Phlebotomy Association Certification

Phlebotomy I, II

(PHLB 101 / PHLB 102-8 contact hours)

Copy of Valid MFFTC Fire Academy Certification

Fire Academy

(FIRE 110-16 contact hours)

Copy of MFFTC Firefighter Strategies and Tactics L04A Course Certification

Firefighter Strategies and Tactics

(FIRE 215-3 contact hours)

Copy of a QuickBooks Certified Users Exam Certification  Computer Assisted Accounting
(B 113-3 contact hours)

Credit is limited to specific credentials.  Additional experience and/or documentation unique to each credential may be required.  Students may contact the Registrar’s Office, Student Services (231) 439-6347, to request the Credit for Prior Learning form that needs to be completed and submitted.  Upon receipt and verification of Licensure/Certification student will be notified of acceptance, and payment must be received prior to credit being posted on a student’s transcript.  Credit will be posted within 14 business days after receipt of payment and will be noted as “Credit for Prior Learning”.

Note: North Central Michigan College’s decision to award credit for licensure or certification does not obligate any other institution to accept such credits in transfer. Receiving institutions reserve the right to assess transcripts of incoming students and award credit as they see fit. Credits received by students that are based on licensure or certification will not be used to award financial aid or veteran’s benefits, but will be considered in determining eligibility.

North Central Michigan College does not accept the transfer of credit for licensure or certification awarded at other institutions.

Tutoring Services

Free tutoring is available to North Central students for any course offered at the College. If you have had trouble with a subject in the past or are having trouble keeping up with the pace of the assignments in the course you’re taking, it’s probably a good idea to work with a tutor for all or part of the semester.

How Does Tutoring Work?

  • Tutoring sessions usually last for about an hour, one day a week, for the duration of the semester.
  • Tutors do not do your homework; they teach you how to do your homework. Bring your books, notes and a copy of your class syllabus to every tutoring session.
  • Have specific questions ready to ask your tutor.
  • Your tutor can help you learn study skills and how to set achievable goals.
  • Consistent class attendance is required of students who receive tutoring. Tutors do not replace the instructor.

For more information about tutoring services, call (231) 348-6693.

Test Proctoring

The Testing Center provides proctoring for make-up and alternate testing to North Central students at no charge, and for a fee for students from other schools. Call (231) 348-6682 for more information. Photo ID is required for all testing.


The Library offers students and guests a welcoming and comfortable place for research and study including bookable study rooms,
private study carrels and spaces for collaborative work. NCMC Library provides resources to assist students with their class projects and
research needs. Library materials include books, journals, streaming videos, statistics, and other academic database content.
Students can search and access everything using the Library’s Find it! search.

Library staff are available to answer questions, help students use resources, and find appropriate materials. Students are
encouraged to contact the librarian for support by chat, email, phone, text, or Zoom. The library also offers technology for student
checkout, including laptops, wifi hotspots, and graphing calculators.

More details about Library content, spaces, services, and technology available at

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan, Inc. (WRCNM) maintains an office at North Central for Educational and Employment Services which provides educational scholarships, career guidance and exploration, résumé development, job search assistance, academic advising, advocacy and community referrals. WRCNM’s on-campus office is in the Tutoring and Testing Services area of the Student and Community Resource Center. Call WRCNM’s Educational and Employment Services office for more information, at (231) 348-6699.

WRCNM also provides comprehensive domestic abuse and sexual assault services to adult and child survivors in the five-county service area, regardless of when the abuse or assault occurred. These confidential services include a 24-hour helpline, Safe Home temporary shelter, emergency response, advocacy across a range of systems, licensed therapeutic counseling, and access to other agency programs and community resources to meet survivors’ unique needs. Call WRCNM’s main office for more information or an appointment, at (231) 347-0067.

WRCNM’s 24-hour help and information line can be reached at (231) 347-0082 or (800) 275-1995.


North Central Michigan College is recognized by the Department of Education of the State of Michigan. The College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association. Certain programs at North Central also carry additional approval status and/or national accreditation. Documents describing licensing and accreditation are available for review in the President’s office.

North Central is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges, the Michigan Community College Association and the Association of Community College Trustees.

Achieving the Dream

North Central is a member of the Achieving the Dream initiative, which was launched by the Lumina Foundation and seven founding partner organizations in 2004. Today, Achieving the Dream is the most comprehensive, non-governmental reform network for student success in higher education history. North Central joins more than 200 colleges across 32 states and the District of Columbia to help 3.8 million community college students realize greater economic opportunity and achieve their dreams.